test_json = { "code": 200, "data": [ { "apps": { "app_op_seq": [ { "action": "点击", "module_name": "聚划算", "module_type": "resource" } ] }, "content": { "des": { "company_name": "耐克", "intent": [ "full" ] }, "rel": [ { "des": { "person_name": "欧阳玖林", "political_status": "金牌会员" }, "ont": [ "Company", "Person" ], "relIdx": [ 0, "8-9" ], "relName": "欧阳", "segs": [ "耐克篮球鞋" ] } ], "segs": [ "耐克篮球鞋" ] }, "content_op": "查询" } ]}
实现源码 def json_generator(indict, key_value=None): """ 递归解析 Json 数据 :param indict: :param key_value: :return: """ key_value = key_value[:] if key_value else [] if isinstance(indict, dict): for key, value in indict.items(): tier = - 1 if isinstance(value, dict) and value != {}: if len(value) == 0: yield key_value + [key, \\\'{}\\\'] else: for d in json_generator(value, key_value + [key]): yield d elif isinstance(value, list) and value != []: if len(value) == 0: yield key_value + [key, \\\'[]\\\'] else: for v in value: tier = tier + 1 for d in json_generator(v, key_value + [key + \\\'[{0}]\\\'.format(tier)]): yield d else: yield key_value + [key, value] else: if not key_value: yield indict else: yield key_value + [indict]def structure_flow_sub(json_gen_obj): """ 解析结果 格式化输出 :param json_gen_obj: :return: JsonPath:data[0].apps.app_op_seq[0].action """ structure = {} for i in json_generator(json_gen_obj): if \\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1]) in structure.keys() and not isinstance(structure[\\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1])], list): structure[\\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1])] = [structure[\\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1])]] structure[\\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1])].append(i[-1]) elif \\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1]) in structure.keys() and isinstance(structure[\\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1])], list): structure[\\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1])].append(i[-1]) else: structure[\\\'.\\\'.join(i[:-1])] = i[-1] return structuredef json_path_parse(json_gen_obj): """ Json路径解析 :param json_gen_obj: :return: """ structure_List = [] if isinstance(json_gen_obj, dict): structure = structure_flow_sub(json_gen_obj) structure_List.append(structure) return structure_List if isinstance(json_gen_obj, list): for i in json_gen_obj: result = structure_flow_sub(i) structure_List.append(result) return structure_Listif __name__ == \\\'__main__\\\': all_leaf_node_dict = json_path_parse(test_json) line_number = 0 for k, v in all_leaf_node_dict[0].items(): line_number += 1 print("{line_number} JsonPath:{json_path} Value:{value} ".format( line_number=line_number, json_path=k, value=v))
1 JsonPath:code Value:200 2 JsonPath:data[0].apps.app_op_seq[0].action Value:点击 3 JsonPath:data[0].apps.app_op_seq[0].module_name Value:聚划算 4 JsonPath:data[0].apps.app_op_seq[0].module_type Value:resource 5 JsonPath:data[0].content.des.company_name Value:耐克 6 JsonPath:data[0].content.des.intent[0] Value:full 7 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].des.person_name Value:欧阳玖林 8 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].des.political_status Value:金牌会员 9 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].ont[0] Value:Company 10 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].ont[1] Value:Person 11 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].relIdx[0] Value:0 12 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].relIdx[1] Value:8-9 13 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].relName Value:欧阳 14 JsonPath:data[0].content.rel[0].segs[0] Value:耐克篮球鞋 15 JsonPath:data[0].content.segs[0] Value:耐克篮球鞋 16 JsonPath:data[0].content_op Value:查询